Thomas Hobbes and Political Obedience: Insights from the English Civil War

Thomas Hobbes, a philosopher hailing from 17th-century England, offers valuable insights into the intricate matter of political obedience. His analysis delves into the extent to which we should patiently submit to rulers, particularly those who are lacking in adequacy, and when it becomes justifiable to initiate revolutions and overthrow governments in the pursuit of an improved society. Hobbes’s perspective is tightly intertwined with a significant event that deeply influenced his beliefs: the English civil war, which took place when he was 64 years old....

Michael Munger on Constitutions

Intro I first got to know Dr. Munger on YouTube(Why Major in Political Science?) when I wanted to decide between going to Law school & studying Political Science back in 2021. Though I was persuaded by the guy to do so and he influenced me for the rest of my life with his Germany stories, and his BMW car, I decided to go to Law school for better job status. Anyways, his ideas on constitutions have always been fascinating....

Iranian Kamikaze Drone — Shahed 136

While the Kalibr 3M14, a Russian competitor to the American-made Tomahawk missile, costs the Russian military one million dollars (or roughly six million dollars for export), the Iranian Kamikaze drone has a price tag of fewer than twenty-five thousand dollars, which is half the average price of a car in the US and roughly one percent of the Tomahawk price tag. It appears to be a low-cost cruise missile that can be effective when fired in groups....

What Was Shakespeare Thinking Back Then?

Manifesto These days, I got nothing to do but Hydrate and do some codes on personal projects, read books and articles, and of course, Hydrate again, just like in the Jarhead (2005). A few days ago, I was wondering about what Shakespeare was thinking (and writing), and at the same time, I was working on a project that revealed what YouTube creators were thinking based on Word-Clouds from their videos. It takes the URL of a video and returns the Word-Cloud....


The New Life Much of the life of Dante Alighieri is obscure, and the known facts are surrounded by a haze of legend and conjecture. He was born in Florence in 1265, of a family noble but not wealthy. His early education is a matter of inference, but we know that he learned the art of writing verse from the poets of France and Provence, and that after he reached manhood he devoted much time to study and became profoundly learned....