“Sex and Repression in Savage Society,” by Bronisław Malinowski

In his seminal work, “Sex and Repression in Savage Society,” Bronisław Malinowski delves deep into the intricate nuances of human sexuality within indigenous cultures, unearthing a treasure trove of enlightening observations and thought-provoking analyses. Employing his astute anthropological lens, Malinowski transports readers into captivating narratives of tribal societies, skillfully interweaving empirical evidence with lyrical descriptions of exotic rituals and customs. Malinowski’s scholarly prowess is artfully showcased in his meticulous examination of the multifaceted dynamics governing sexual practices in these savage societies....


The New Life Much of the life of Dante Alighieri is obscure, and the known facts are surrounded by a haze of legend and conjecture. He was born in Florence in 1265, of a family noble but not wealthy. His early education is a matter of inference, but we know that he learned the art of writing verse from the poets of France and Provence, and that after he reached manhood he devoted much time to study and became profoundly learned....